Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Now What?

So, you might ask, what happens now?  Now, I do what I've learned to do best over the past five years ... I wait!!  I'm currently waiting on Travel Authorization (TA).  After referral, adoptive parents are asked to mail back a Letter of Acceptance (LOA).  The agency provides a brief period within which to obtain a translation of the medical and developmental reports included with the referral documents (all in Chinese!) and have the file reviewed by an International Adoption (IA) Specialist.  After receiving the "green light" from my AI Specialist sent my LOA in on April 14, 2011.  Since I am an I-600  applicant (I'll explain in another post), the average wait reported on Rumor Queen from LOA to TA is currently 25 days ...
... maybe May 9th? 

Upon receipt of TA my agency will make a Consulate Appointment (CA), which occurs at the end of my trip to China.  All of the travel arrangements are based on the CA.  Typically, it's about two to four weeks between receiving TA and actually leaving for China.  I can't wait to finally book my flights to China!! 

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